Advancing the Overcaller’s takeout double
The Advancer’s hand (strength and distribution), the Responder’s bid, and both partnerships’ vulnerability determine the Advancer’s bid.
When Responder passes, and Advancer has:
- 0-8 total points, then
- Advancer’s 1st choice is to bid a 4+ card suit at the lowest possible level
- Advancer’s 2nd choice is to pass when opponents are vulnerable, Advancer has 5+ cards in opponent’s trump suit, and Advancer expects to set the opponent’s contract by at least 2 tricks.
- 9-11 total points, then
- Advancer’s 1st choice is to jump bid in a 4+ card suit (invite Overcaller to game)
- Advancer’s 2nd choice is to pass when opponents are vulnerable, Advancer has 5+ cards in opponents trump suit, and Advancer expects to set the opponent’s contract by at least 2 tricks.
- 12+ total points, then
- Advancer’s 1st choice is to bid game in 5+ card major suit
- Advancer’s 2nd choice is to Q-bid opponent’s suit (force Overcaller to game).
When Responder raises Opener’s suit, and Advancer has:
- 0-5 total points, Advancer passes
- 6-8 total points, then
- Advancer’s 1st choice is to bid a 5+ card suit at the lowest possible level
- Advancer’s 2nd choice is to pass.
- 9-11 total points, then
- Advancer’s 1st choice is to bid a 5+ card suit at the lowest possible level
- Advancer’s 2nd choice is to double (responsive double)
- Advancer’s 3rd choice is to pass.
- 12+ total points, then
- Advancer’s 1st choice is to bid game in 5+ card major suit
- Advancer’s 2nd choice is to bid 3NT with a stopper in opponent’s suit
- Advancer’s 3rd choice is to Q-bid opponent’s suit (force Overcaller to game).
When Responder bids a new suit, and Advancer has:
- 0-5 total points, Advancer passes
- 6-8 total points, then
- Advancer’s 1st choice is to bid a 5+ card suit at the lowest possible level
- Advancer’s 2nd choice is to pass.
- 9-11 total points, then
- Advancer’s 1st choice is to bid a 5+ card suit at the lowest possible level
- Advancer’s 2nd choice is to double (responsive double).
- 12+ total points, then
- Advancer’s 1st choice is to bid game in 5+ card major suit
- Advancer’s 2nd choice is to bid 3NT with a stopper in both opponent suits
- Advancer’s 3rd choice is to Q-bid opponent’s suit (force Overcaller to game).
When Responder bids NT, and Advancer has:
- 0-5 total points, Advancer passes
- 6-8 total points, then
- Advancer’s 1st choice is to bid a 4+ card suit at the lowest possible level
- Advancer’s 2nd choice is to pass
- 9-11 total points, then
- Advancer’s 1st choice is to bid a 4+ card suit at the lowest possible level
- Advancer’s 2nd choice is to double (responsive double).
- 12+ total points, then
- Advancer’s 1st choice is to bid game in 5+ card major suit
- Advancer’s 2nd choice is to Q-bid Opener’s suit (force Overcaller to game)
- Advancer’s 3rd choice is to bid 3NT with a stopper in Opener’s suit.